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$10,000 Envelope at the Las Vegas Airport Lost and Found

A Colorado man granted a Christmas wish through an unlikely act of honesty and persistence. He returned $10,000 in cash to its rightful owner after finding it in two Caesar’s Palace envelopes at the McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. Mitch Gilbert, 55, was traveling home to Colorado with his wife from Las Vegas where […]


If you have lost any items at John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport, there are various services in place to help you locate your lost property. The area where you believe you lost the item will help determine what authority to turn to for assistance. If you left your property on the plane, in the […]

LAX Lost and Found Ranks High in Missing Luggage

If you are heading to LAX for the holidays, watch out for the valuables in your luggage. TSA receives about 12,000 complaints each year of items lost or stolen from luggage nationwide. No one knows if the thieves are TSA officers or baggage handlers, but we found that during the most recent eight-year period LAX […]

Airline Lost Your Luggage? They Could Owe More Than You Think

Some airlines have told consumers that they’re not entitled to compensation for lost luggage, or if they are, it’s a pittance–such as $25, as one airline claimed. But the federal government says that you’re really entitled to as much as $3,300, something that some airlines seem to be keeping quiet about. Consumer Ally partner John […]

Airlines losing 3000 bags – every hour of every day

In 2009, the worlds airlines lost a whopping 25 million pieces of passenger luggage. That comes down to just under 3000 bags every hour of every day, all year long. These shocking statistics were published by SITA – one of the operators of airline and airport computer systems, using data from the World Traver luggage […]

Five ways to keep your luggage safe through the airport

One of the biggest concerns expressed by first time flyers is in regards to luggage safety. Where does my luggage go after I check it at the counter? Who will handle it? Who will look through it? Will it even be on my flight? All of these are valid questions, and with the wealth of baggage-handling nightmare stories out on […]