If you’ve flown in an airplane, then you know the drill. You take off your shoes, belt, and any other items that could set off those body scanners. More often than not, though, those items get left behind.
“If you consider about 2 million people travel everyday at airports across the country, passengers are constantly forgetting or losing items at our security check points,” said Nico Melendez, a spokesperson for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
Those items that are left behind at the Sacramento International Airport end up at the lost and found.
Belongings are cataloged and stored for 30 days before being sent off to charity, and if you think they’re forgettable items, then think again.
When looking through the lost and found, FOX40 noticed nice watches, other forms of jewelry, and in one case, a single shoe that was one shoe short of a pair.
But wait, there’s more! In the lost and found are dozens of laptops, tablets, and even cell phones that go unclaimed each and every year.
“So for these big ticket items like a lap top, the TSA recommends you do this. Take your business card. Put some scotch tape on it and stick it on,” said Melendez.
TSA keeps belongings worth more than $500 for 2 years, but after that they are sent to charity like the rest of the forgotten items.
Sac International says 15 to 20% of their lost items actually end up with their rightful owners.