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If your travel itinerary includes the main international airport of the Netherlands and you discover that you have left something behind, you may be able to recover your item quite quickly. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol holds found items onsite for one day for fast retrieval. If it’s not picked up within that time, the items are managed by Worldwide Baggage & Packages (WBP), the Airport’s Lost and Found Department.

The good news is that if you notice an item is missing while you are still in the airport, you can stop at the closest information desk in the Arrival and Departure Halls or in the lounges to check whether your property has found. If your property has not yet been turned in or more than a day has elapsed since it was, you will need to contact the Lost and Found Department for more information.

If your item was left onboard, at the airline counter or in the gate area, you will likely need to contact the airline to retrieve your property. However, as a pretty neat perk, when you fly KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines to or from Amsterdam, Schiphol lost and found go quite the extra mile to help reunite you with your lost property.