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4-Carat Diamond Ring Recovered at Newark Airport

A New Jersey woman feared she lost her 25th wedding anniversary ring at Newark Liberty International Airport — but, luckily, it was found by a TSA agent who knows her diamonds.airport lost diamond ring

Navnett Guleria, 52, said she took the ring off and hooked it to a bracelet inside her purse to step through a security checkpoint at the newark aiport lost and found on Feb. 14.

The Pennington woman didn’t think to put the ring back on until after she boarded a London-bound plane with her husband, but the wedding band was nowhere to be found.

“I panicked,” she told The Star-Ledger. “I was really upset, but the cabin was already closed.”

Guleria believed she would never see the ring again, but still contacted the Transportation Security Administration’s lost and found office when she returned home 10 days later.

To her surprise, an employee told her the ring had been found.

Officials said another passenger spotted the ring on the floor at the checkpoint and handed it over to TSA Officer Meredith Grillos.

When I saw it, I knew right away it was absolutely real,” the officer said in a statement. “It was beautiful. I know my diamonds and I’m sure the woman was very distraught.”

Grillos gave the ring to the agency’s lost and found office, which mailed Guleria her wedding band a few days after she called.

“I was ecstatic,” Guleria told the newspaper. “I was so happy.”

Source: NYDailyNews.com