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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Ray-Ban reading glasses
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: United Kingdom
Lost Airport: London Luton Airport - LTN
Lost Airlines: EasyJet
Flight Number: Ezy2365
Lost Date: Aug 08,2014
Lost Time: 6:40:00
Location Details: They are Ray-Ban reading glasses , black frame with grey transition lenses , they were not in the case as I was reading and put them in my hoodie pocket I think they fell out when I was sleeping or getting up to leave I was seated in 16E noticed them missing when I was in T1 in Lisbon when we were at the car rental area , we went on a bus from T2 to T1 I went to there lost property straight away to see if any one could check the plane before it returned to UK but was not successful so we went back to the airport the following day and we were told nothing had been handed in to check Luton lost and found on our return to UK we returned to the UK on the 18th of August 2014
Additional Information: Ray -Ban reading glasses , black frame with grey transition lenses no case loose

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