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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Gok Wan glasses black in Specsavers plastic case
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airline Lounge,Airport Food Court,Airport Restaurants,Security Check In
Lost Country: France
Lost Airport: Blagnac - TLS
Lost Airlines: EasyJet
Flight Number: EZY6140
Lost Date: Aug 10,2014
Lost Time: 14:30:00
Location Details: The glasses were last seen in the EuropeCar hire care that was delivered back to parking no. 2. The glasses were possbily lost either in transit to main airport, at check-in, security, the help-yourself cafe or departure lounge.
Additional Information: The glasses frames are by Gok Wan and are black matt plastic. They are a sort of fifties style. They are in a black, shiny plastic, Specsavers case.

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