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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Browngreenish Brics carry on. Hard. Grey lock on.
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: United Kingdom
Lost Airport: London Heathrow - LHR
Lost Airlines: Turkish Airlines
Flight Number: 1987
Lost Date: Aug 08,2014
Lost Time: 23:40:00
Location Details: I left my handlugagge on the plane from Istambul to London as soon as we arrived to Heathrow around 11.40pm. I was seating on seat 26 F. I realized Id lost it as soon as I went through Inmigrations, so I went quickly to bagagge claim but by the time they called there was nobody from Turkish Airlines. Yesterday I was at the airport inquiring about my carry on and the officers for Turkish airlines informed me that it had been found and that the dispatcher had taken it directly to Lost Property. They assured me it did not go to customs.
Additional Information: It is a hard, small carry on brand: Brics, of a browndark green color. It has a grey lock on it. Around the zipper it has an orangecamel plastic surrounding it.Inside, it has an internal division with a blue net. It basically contains clothes. It has one little box colorful, with the name Kate Spade on it that inside has a few necklaces HM. It also has a small satin white bag that serves as an underwear holder. Some of the clothes it contains are: leopard shirt paula cahen danvers, short black leather skirt akiabara, orange dress las pepas, dark green cardigan hm, black flowered dress las pepas, red sleevless dress hm, burgandy sweater hm.

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