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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: iPhone 4S, Koss PortaPro, iPod Shuffle purple
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airport: John F Kennedy International - JFK
Lost Airlines: Norwegian Air Shuttle
Flight Number: DY7011
Lost Date: Jun 09,2014
Lost Time: 20:52:00
Location Details: Forgot all the items at the seat 53K on the norwegian flight DY7011 when going of the plane at JFK. Might possible have fallen down at the side of the chair closest to the window. The iPhone 4S, Koss PortaPro and the iPod Shuffle was all in a small black bag made for the Koss headphones.
Additional Information: It is an iPhone 4S with a cover film that is redblack and with a part of a nuclear symbol, had some of it on the front as well. Should be in flight mode, it had a background image of some tulip.The Koss PortaPro is red and black.The iPod Shuffle is purple.

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