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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Samsung SIII Cell phone in purple defender case
Lost Place: Airport Food Court,Security Check In,Do now Know
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airport: San Francisco International - SFO
Lost Airlines: United Airlines
Lost Date: Jun 15,2014
Lost Time: 18:0:00
Location Details: When I was in the SFO airport, my sister in CO received a call from a man saying that Robin Chaffey had left her phone. She called me immediatedly and said that someone had called. I told her to call them back and ask them to please mail it to me She did call them back and gave them my address. She forgot to tell me that it was the airport that had called me. I thought after the call that the call was from the hotel that we had stayed in. This last week when I talked to my sister, she remembered that it was the airport that had called and that she had called back. I asked her who she talked to. She didnt ask a name but he was male at the airport.I would love to have my phone back.

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