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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: A white hard disk with a black cable
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Airlines: Emirates Airline
Flight Number: EK 007 or EK 7022
Lost Date: Dec 21,2024
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: From Mauritius island on 19th dec 2024, we took the flight EK 702 - check in at 12h 45 , departure at 16h 45 , seat 73A , B , C.Arrival in dubai airport at 23h 25. Then we took flight EK 007 in Dubai on 20 dec 2024 seat 73 B. Check in at 00 hrs10, departure at 3h 10 to london. It definitely remained in the back pocket of the seat of either flight.
Additional Information: A white hard disk with a black cable.

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