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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Debit Card MasterCard
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airport Food Court,On the Airplane
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airlines: American Airlines
Lost Date: Dec 12,2024
Lost Time: 7:40:00
Location Details: I had it with me when I took my voucher and card from B18 to get Starbucks wasnt sure they took vouchers. Once home in Fresno airport went to get money out of bank and it was gone. I searched my entire purse took everything out twice just not there.
Additional Information: I did use restroom by B 18 but think I had already put card back into purse so must have missed my purse or it fell out on the plane. Takes 2 weeks for a new one I need it for Christmas gifts Im already behind. Green Mastercard Debit Debbie Rose Conley last four numbers 9406 I have no way of getting money no bank account this is my social security account.

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