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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Bright blue small bag filled with all jewelry
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: Japan
Lost Airlines: Philippine Airlines
Flight Number: PR 422
Lost Date: Jul 31,2024
Lost Time: 13:50:00
Location Details: On July 31st 2024 Coming from Manilla to Tokyo on phillipine airlines, my item was left behind on the aircraft PR 422 and it is a simple bright blue bag- no logos or any print, just blue, tied up containing multiple types and styles of jewelry. Left underneath my seat after landing in the Haneda tokyo airport. The seat number 47A closest to the window.
Additional Information: The bag size is small-medium and heavy as inside it contains multiple styles of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and accessories. Mostly silver, however it still contains gold styles and copperbrass styles, beaded necklaces, and multiple earrings and rings. Theres other clear baggies inside containing jewelery in the blue bag to separate the styles. Would be willing to do anything to help find this bag as many are vintage or family heirlooms. Willing to pay a reward of 200 if found. Will pay for shipping to bring it back.

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