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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Iphone 14 Plus
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: Switzerland
Lost Airlines: British Airways
Flight Number: BA0752
Lost Date: May 14,2024
Lost Time: 11:0:00
Location Details: I lost my phone on the plane of British Airways, the plane number is G-EUYW, either on the seat, underneath, or maybe in the pocket of my 12A seat, I was sitting in front of the exit door.I took pictures when I was sitting so for sure he was on the plane.
Additional Information: its a purple iPhone 14 Plus with a beige case with the letter B written on it in black, Im attaching a photo of my case.I contacted the Lost and Found in Basel directly and the agency that cleaned the plane, the manager told me that his team just had time to vacuum the plane, the seat pockets were not cleaned, so if it was in the pocket, my phone went back in the pocket to London I keep contacting the lost and found of London HEATHROW, and they tell me that he has not been found

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