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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Eye glasses
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airport Food Court,Airport Restaurants,Airport Shops,On the Airplane,Connecting Flight,Security Check In
Lost Country: New Zealand
Lost Airlines: Emirates Airline
Flight Number: EK413
Lost Date: Apr 14,2024
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: I am not certain where I lost my glasses. On 14 April 2024. I flewCHRISTCHURCH - Emirates I arrive at CHC airport around 3:45pm and checked my bag through to Honolulu. I stopped at a cafe near the gate 30 on boarding pass. I think this is the last place I recall seeing my glasses, on the table at the cafe. Please check with cafe if they have found them. I made my way to the gate boarding pass says Gate 30.I then went and purchased a book at nearby bookstore, Relay on receiptand made my way back to gate to board approximately 5pm.I may have left glasses on flight Emirates EK413 but Im thinking it was at the gate or at the cafe.The glasses may have been pulled off their silver neck chain at any point in my travels.SYDNEYMy glasses may have been pulled off their silver neck chain at any point in my travels.I arrived in SYD on Emirates EK 413 from CHC after 7pm on 14 April. I made my way through the airport and security and, I think, to GATE 53 -it said on boading pass, HA staff thought it may have been gate 24I was very tired so layed on the floor till boarding. I later moved to a seat and waited to last minute to board. I may have been last person to board and my carry on luggage was searched upon boarding. I think my glasses may have been pulled off the neck chain while laying at this gate. Video cameras would show if I still had them on my neck at this point upon boarding flight HA452 after 9pm.Prior, I may have left them at a cafe near the gate on the table. It may have happen on the flights.
Additional Information: The lens are large with pale brown frames and a ailer beaded neck chain that may have been pulled off.

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