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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: A dark brown polo male wallet
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,On the Airplane
Lost Country: United Arab Emirates
Lost Airlines: Emirates Airline
Flight Number: EK0367
Lost Date: Apr 23,2024
Lost Time: 5:30:00
Location Details: On the aircraft, our seats are 79 ABC. I am traveling with son and wife. I think the wallet might have been left on the seats or slid under the seats around.Please help me locate it.
Additional Information: The lost wallet is a brown male wallet which you could flip open. On the wallet there is a polo player since the brand is Polo Ralph Lauren. When you flip open the wallet, there are two health care card bearing the character names of me and my son. Contained in the wallet are bills of one hundred US dollar, a few Japanese Yen bills, and several NT dollar bills. Also, there is my ID card along with a red amulet with plastics and Chinese characters on it. There are also other pieces of paper containing some information.

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