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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Mac book laptop with black white astronaut case
Lost Place: On the Airplane,Connecting Flight
Lost Country: Netherlands
Lost Airlines: KLM
Flight Number: KL0662
Lost Date: Apr 24,2024
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: I left my laptop in the back pocket of one of the middle seats in the very back row of seats, on the first half of the plane in the middle row. More simply put, Middle rowaisle of seats on the last row where the seats are against the wall, right before crossingpassing the bathrooms to get to back half of the plane. I hope that helps My laptop is Apple brand, it has a black and white case with an astronaut on it, when you open the laptop, the logo will light up like the moon
Additional Information: I sat in the row with my grandmother Cathy Carter, maybe you can look up her seat number to get a more exact location of where my laptop was located. Thank you so much for your help

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