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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: TealBlue Checked baggage with the code 4MZEPZ
Lost Place: Connecting Flight,Security Check In,Baggage Claim
Lost Country: Ghana
Lost Airlines: Air France
Flight Number: AF932
Lost Date: Apr 18,2024
Lost Time: 11:0:00
Location Details: I last saw it at the baggage check-in at Halifax YHZ airport. It could be at Paris CDG airport or Accra ACC airport my final destination. I filed a report with the luggage office but the officer didnt fill it out clearly so noone can tell what it says.
Additional Information: It is a Hays blueteal medium sized, hard shell checked bag. It should have a tag on it with my name Ronald Blanchard. Inside was all my clothes needed for a month in Ghana, as well as 2 pairs of shoes one of which is 200 hiking boots and most of my toiletries including expensive sunscreen. It also contains some expensive camping stuff such as my scouts hat, water bladder, and hiking pants. I am willing to give some reward money of around 100-200 CAD if found.

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