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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Watch Michael kors
Lost Place: Connecting Flight
Lost Country: United Arab Emirates
Lost Airlines: Emirates Airline
Flight Number: EK194
Lost Date: Apr 23,2024
Lost Time: 7:40:00
Location Details: At Check control
Additional Information: Dear Sir Madam I would like to present a complaint about the unacceptable treatment I had to endure yesterday at Dubai Airport. I was travelling from Lisbon flight EK 194 to Johannesburg EK763 with a stopover in Dubai. The flight from Lisbon got delayed, forcing me and the other passengers travelling to Johannesburg to rush in the Dubai airport to avoid losing the connection with the EK 763 flight to Johannesburg. The person responsible to escort us from one gate to the other forced all of us to rush at an unacceptable pace, especially for those like me who travelled with cabin luggage. We were rushed through the Security Control where my wristwatch went missing. I left it at the security container, but it was no longer there after the scanning. No one could find it and I had to leave it behind because, otherwise I would lose the flight. I much cherished the wristwatch - a gold Michael Kors which cost me a couple of years ago 750 euros. Everyone in our group was complaining of the treatment we were subjected. I still hope that the wristwatch has been found, being an object so dear to me. Otherwise, I believe Im intitled to be fully reimbursed for its loss for which Im not responsible.

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