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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: German residence permit card
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airline Lounge,On the Airplane,Connecting Flight,Baggage Claim
Lost Country: India
Lost Airlines: Air India
Flight Number: AI0120 or AI0801
Lost Date: Apr 23,2024
Lost Time: 8:30:00
Location Details: I lost my German residence card during my voyage from Frankfurt to Thiruvananthapuram. It may have lost somewhere near terminal 3 in Delhi airport or in the flights I have taken.
Additional Information: The card is white in colour with a red shade. It has my photo on it and also some holographic prints are present. There is a title which goes like AUFENTHALTSTITEL on it. Also, my signature is present on the front part. Please contact me if you have any knowledge on the above mentioned card and if the information is genuine, you will be handsomely rewarded.

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