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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: single R airpod2
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airlines: United Airlines
Flight Number: UA1843
Lost Date: Apr 19,2024
Lost Time: 6:0:00
Location Details: my right airpod fell out of my ear during the plane ride. I couldnt locate it at that moment, so i waited for everyone to deboard and looked around but couldnt find it. Since I had tracking turned on, I noticed that it was still on the plane. Fast forward around 2pm later that day, I noticed it had moved to an apartment complex nearby and its been there ever since. I filed a lost report with United, but havent heard anything back
Additional Information: white airpod gen3 Right pod. has apple tracking turned on. its serial number FK6XMPYNVX

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