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Lost Property Detail

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Property Lost: Mac laptop
Lost Place: Security Check In
Lost Country: India
Lost Airlines: Air India
Flight Number: AI635
Lost Date: Apr 21,2024
Lost Time: 8:0:00
Location Details: At security have kept in the tray for security clearance with my purse. But both the purse and laiptop were in the same tray. So the on duty guard asked me to put my purse one more time in the separate tray and leave the lop top there in the tray. I went for security kn more time and after I forgot to pick it up from the tray. As I boarded plane I remembered about my laptop by the time gates were closed. Immediately after lading I went to air india office at Indore to report this. They helped me with lost and found number and spoke to Julia at T2 terminal.
Additional Information: My Mac laptop is rose gold colour .

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