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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: 2 Suitcases
Lost Place: Connecting Flight
Lost Country: United Arab Emirates
Lost Airlines: Emirates Airline
Flight Number: EK007
Lost Date: Apr 18,2024
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: I flew from Bali to Nice with the connecting flight in Dubai. So I checked in my luggage in Bali and then I stucked in Dubai because of the weather and my flight was cancelled. Later I was given the another flight and I was insured that my luggage will be delivered same flight. But it didnt arrive.
Additional Information: My luggage is 2 suitcases. One pink and another one orange. Here are the tickets:EK587727EK587728In nice I stay for only couple of days. It its still in Dubai, I would like to give it to my husband, whos now starting in Dubai. How could we organize itI have already claimed for the tracking number of my luggage but didnt receive anything. Hope to hear from you very soon , as I have medicine in suitcases that I need to take daily.

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