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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: 1white addias base ball hat, nd black base ball H
Lost Place: Bus Transport
Lost Country: Ireland
Lost Airlines: Ryan Air
Lost Date: Apr 18,2024
Lost Time: 21:45:00
Location Details: Left bag with 2 baseball hats and ladys sun glasses, 1 black base ball hat and 1 white ladys addidas base ball hat left on trolly when I was putting cases on the bus to Galway, the name of the bus was , Go Bus , company name would appreciate if you could let me no if they were located as they were of sentimental value , Kind regards, Margaret 086-0757565
Additional Information: Left on trolley when putting cases on to the Bus, Go Bus to Galway 1 addidas ladys base bal hat, and 1 black base ball hat, and ladys black sun glasses , in white plastic bag ,

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