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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Baggage
Lost Place: Airline Lounge,On the Airplane
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airlines: United Airlines
Flight Number: 164
Lost Date: Apr 17,2024
Lost Time: 12:0:00
Location Details: I am Brittiane Staton, I was traveling on Flight United Airlines 164 on 15 April. Our flight got diverted to MCT Airport due ro bad weather in Dubai. United Airlines canceled my flight and connection from Dubai to Kuwait. On 17 April United Airlines rebooted my flight with OMAN Air. United Airlines could not provide the boarding pass, only the OMAN Air could provide the boarding pass. At that time the gate agent informed me that my bags would not be on that fight. I would have to claim it in lost and found at final destination. I contacted United Airlines to see if they could assist but the agent informed me that they do not have an ticket agreement and could only send a note in the baggage system to move the bags to the new flight. Oman Air new flight WY0645.I am requesting help to have my bags:0016910630 Tan 4 wheels hard frame suitcase0016910631 Tan 4 wheel military bagBe sent to the final destination Kuwait on 17APR24.Thank you in advance. Mrs. Staton
Additional Information: I Brittiane Staton can be reached via cell phone: 843-810-8007 or email: bri1913@yahoo.com or brittiane.v.staton.mil@army.mil

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