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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: 6 Abayas
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: United Arab Emirates
Lost Airlines: Emirates Airline
Flight Number: EK 801
Lost Date: Mar 21,2024
Lost Time: 12:15:00
Location Details: We were asked to send our cabin bags in due to shortage of space . My cabin bag was taken as we stepped on the flight . When I returned home after my Umrah I realized that 6 abayas were taken from my bag .
Additional Information: 6 Abayas were taken from my bag on the flight . These abayas were purchased in Dubai . Thereafter we went to Madina and Makkah for Umrah . My bag was only checked when I returned to South Africa. Then I realized that all my new clothes were not there , some items were missing. Six abayas were missing . Colours were all black , sizes 56 ,58 and 60 brands differ .

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