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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Blue Small TOILETRIES bag and clear bikini bag
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Connecting Flight,Baggage Claim
Lost Country: Indonesia
Lost Airlines: Singapore Airlines
Flight Number: 52XNJW
Lost Date: Apr 13,2024
Lost Time: 10:0:00
Location Details: These are two smaller bags which I put in a large backpack. I saw them before my flight when I packed and checked in my bag at Heathrow airport. It was only when I saw my bag come out at baggie claim that I noticed how emptied it looked. One of the bags has very important medicine in it for my health.
Additional Information: A small, blue pouch bag - inside are toiletries such as sunscreen, makeup, medicine, fly spray etc. A small, clear bag that was unzipped - inside are 6 swimming costumes and a green town

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