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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Duffel bag of Royal Enfield and red bag with troly
Lost Place: Security Check In
Lost Country: India
Lost Airlines: IndiGo Airlines
Flight Number: 6E 2272
Lost Date: Apr 03,2024
Lost Time: 5:30:00
Location Details: Dear CISF Lost and Found Department,I am writing to seek your immediate assistance regarding an unfortunate incident that occurred on today 3rd April24 at 5.30am , concerning my checked luggage for flight 6E 2272, which I was unable to formally register due to a disagreement over poor service at the fast forward counter. Upon my arrival and interaction with Ms. Harshita, a staff member of IndiGo Airlines, I was met with a refusal to accept my two pieces of luggage for check-in at the fast forward counter. Despite attempts to resolve the issue, including a reboot of the fast forward service, the situation remained unrectified, leading to my departure to catch my flight without the formal acceptance of my bags by the airline staff. Consequently, I left my luggage on the belt in the custody of Ms. Harshita.Given the circumstances, I kindly request the intervention of the CISF Lost and Found Department to help locate and secure my belongings. The details of the missing luggage are as follows:1. Duffle Bag: An olive-colored duffle bag prominently featuring the Royal Enfield logo. This bag contains items of personal significance and is of substantial value.2. Trolley Bag: A large-sized red trolley bag, which also contains essential items critical to my immediate needs upon arrival.I implore your team to take swift action to locate these items. The absence of my belongings has not only caused significant inconvenience but also concerns over the security and handling of passengers luggage.I am prepared to provide any additional information or documentation that may assist in the expedited recovery of my luggage. Please advise on the next steps and any specific protocols I should follow to facilitate this process.I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your prompt response and assistance.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.Warm regards,Avneesh Kumar9871434777Flight : 6E 2272Date: 3rd April24Time: 5.30am

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