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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Small black ladies Coach wallet
Lost Place: On the Airplane,Connecting Flight
Lost Country: Portugal
Lost Airlines: TAP Air
Flight Number: TP1903
Lost Date: Mar 23,2024
Lost Time: 16::00
Location Details: Following a flight from Dublin to Lisbon TP 1323 which was late to arrive we were rushed through Lisbon airport terminal 1 to make our connecting flight TP1903 to Faro. upon arrival in Faro I realised I no longer had my wallet.The wallet is small, black Coach walletpurse and has a C on the front. It contains all of my ID, bank cards and money.It could have been left on the plane or fallen around the security check in desk in Terminal 1 who were all rushing myself and my 3 young children.Leanne Hughes
Additional Information: I last used it on the plane flight TP1323.Did not have it upon leaving Faro airport.

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