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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: black shawl with white gaisha on the back
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airport Bathrooms,Security Check In
Lost Country: Indonesia
Lost Airlines: Garuda Indonesia
Flight Number: GA0425
Lost Date: Dec 11,2023
Lost Time: 19:30:00
Location Details: I had it when i arrived at the airport. Our flight was repeatedly delayed and I was moved multiple times then put in a hotel. I am still in the hotel now. My shawl is in the airport somewhere, I really need it it was a gift. - they have also made me miss my operation lost my suitcase please help
Additional Information: I had it when i arrived at the airport. Our flight was repeatedly delayed and I was moved multiple times then put in a hotel. I am still in the hotel now. My shawl is in the airport somewhere, I really need it it was a gift. - they have also made me miss my operation lost my suitcase please help

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