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Lost Property Detail

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Property Lost: iPhone XRwith red case
Lost Place: Airport Bathrooms,On the Airplane,Connecting Flight,Security Check In,Do now Know
Lost Country: Croatia
Lost Airlines: Croatia Airlines
Flight Number: 651 and 470
Lost Date: Sep 25,2023
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: I put it in my handbag before leaving my hotel in Medjugorie and I believe it was still in it before passing through security in Split, Croatia. Im not sure when it went missing after that as it was my old phone. I noticed it missing after arriving home. I believe it likely fell out when my bag tipped over on 1 of my flights or possibly while it was laying on its side going through security in either Split or Chicago OHare.
Additional Information: It was an IPhone X R or S, Im not sure in a red Gard plastic protective case. When charged the home screen has a picture of a small white dog Coton du Tulare on it.

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