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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: LHROU10783. Dune black hard cover pull along suit
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate
Lost Country: United Kingdom
Lost Airlines: Croatia Airlines
Flight Number: OU490
Lost Date: Jun 30,2023
Lost Time: 20:6:00
Location Details: Last seen on a carousel in Term 2
Additional Information: Late for onward flight to ABZ at Term 5. Baggage attendant at carousel instructed me to run to Term 5 and catch my flight. She would take care of the baggage and make sure it was sent to the next terminal and be sent up to ABZ on next flight. Has not arrived. Therefore as instructed contacting you for further update on location of suitcase.Your office already told me they have located it to Heathrow and advised me to get in touch with your department.It is a Dune rigid body 15 kg black shiny pull along suitcase. It has an assortment of holiday clothing for a mid twenty age group. Bose headphones. GHD hair straightener. It is unlocked.

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