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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Apple iPhone 11 in clear case
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: United Kingdom
Lost Airlines: TUIfly
Flight Number: TOM4483
Lost Date: May 25,2023
Lost Time: 15:30:00
Location Details: TUI FLIGHT TOM 4483 FROM MALTA TO GATWICK NORTH TERMINAL.I the magazine pocket behind seat 09B - I was sitting in seat 10B so the picket was facing me.In the rush to get off the aircraft to meet a waiting relative, i forgot to take the iPhone
Additional Information: I can see from Find my phone that the phone has moved from the North Terminal to your offices in the South Terminal.When powered up the screen will show a photograph of a Black and Tan Standard Dachshund with a patterned cushion behind.I have the sam photograph on my iPad to show as confirmation.The phone is in Flight Mode so wont allow calls.Thank you

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