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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Connecting Flight
Lost Country: United States of America
Flight Number: PE80N2 Confirmation
Lost Date: May 25,2023
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: between D-3 and D1 last place seen the TAG HOYER SILVER type metal with date indication watch was on a black chair by the wall in D-3 9 COT SLEEPING AREA I missed my connecting flight, UA1738 to Los Angeles, May 23 at departing gate CI from arrival gate D23
Additional Information: I missed my connecting flight, UA1738 to Los Angeles, May 23 at departing gate CI from arrival gate D23, Tampa to IAD, which was an hour late due to weather conditions changing the departure runways. CONFIRMATION NUMBER PE802N2 RHODESROBERTHILPWhen I deplaned, I was informed by Flight staff that the D concourse was very close and should have plenty of time to get to the D-1 Gate. When I got to tje gate 30 min walk, the plan had just left the gate. I was told that the flight personnel at UA1738 knew I was coming however did not reach out by any means to contact me via loudspeaker, phone or electric people mover.

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