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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: passport
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,On the Airplane,Curbside Pick Up/Drop Off
Lost Country: Turkey
Lost Airlines: Turkish Airlines
Flight Number: TK 0586
Lost Date: Feb 05,2023
Lost Time: 6:45:00
Location Details: The item was last seen in the Turkish Airlines amenity bag on the plane
Additional Information: Details Before the plane landed, a few minutes later, the flight attendant asked to take my hand luggage, so I took it and put it with the luggage. Then my passport was in my hand and I put it in my amenity bag. After I got off the plane, I took my luggage and couldnt find my hand luggage. We started searching seconds later, we found it, I was so confused, then I grabbed my bags and got off the plane and got on the bus. 30 seconds after I got off, I remembered my passport was in the comfort bag, then I got back on the plane and we started searching, and we couldnt find it.

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