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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: brown WALLET
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airline Lounge,On the Airplane
Lost Country: Ethiopia
Lost Airlines: Ethiopian Airlines
Flight Number: Et 840 et 600
Lost Date: Jan 08,2023
Lost Time: 20:0:00
Location Details: Kinshasa airport was the last time I saw my wallet in my first plane et 840 I have my red bag inside my brown wallet my next flight was et600 a3 my seat bussnes class I dress jogging black and t shirt black after the lounge in platinum lounge I went to A10 my gate, i seat close to 2 guy suspens and after 20 min I board when I come to the flight during the flight I open my red bag there is no wallet in side
Additional Information: Brown purse or wallet brand Tergan inside my credit card 2 crdit card with 2000 inside my wallet was in the red bag

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