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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Luggage
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate
Lost Country: United Kingdom
Lost Airlines: Tarom
Flight Number: RO392
Lost Date: Sep 07,2022
Lost Time: 24:55:00
Location Details: I have dropped off the baggage at the check in desk and the lady from check in have tagged wrong my baggage and didnt seen the tag until I have arrived in Romania , it is a black and green Timberland luggage for Tarom and it should have a tag with the name YOSEF MILLION WT6FCB with flight connections in romania .. if you can ckeck please, I am a paraplegic and I had all my medications and catheters there , I had to go at the hospital with a kidney problem because I couldnt catheter myself , I will pas the case to my solicitor and wanted to sort it out asap as the luggage had all my stuff which value more than 4k
Additional Information: I have dropped off the baggage at the check in desk and the lady from check in have tagged wrong my baggage and didnt seen the tag until I have arrived in Romania , it is a black and green Timberland luggage for Tarom and it should have a tag with the name YOSEF MILLION WT6FCB with flight connections in romania .. if you can ckeck please, I am a paraplegic and I had all my medications and catheters there , I had to go at the hospital with a kidney problem because I couldnt catheter myself , I will pas the case to my solicitor and wanted to sort it out asap as the luggage had all my stuff which value more than 4k

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