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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: laptop
Lost Place: Parking Garage,Baggage Claim,Curbside Pick Up/Drop Off
Lost Country: United Kingdom
Lost Airport: London Heathrow - LHR
Lost Airlines: Biman Bangladesh Airlines
Flight Number: BG 0015
Lost Date: Jul 29,2015
Lost Time: 16:50:00
Location Details: Terminal 4. Car park level 2
Additional Information: 1. Apple Laptop, 2. Black carry briefcase, 3. Apple Charger, 4. three e-ticket to bangladesh - name Info: Mr. hasan Ahmed, Mr. Ismail Ahmed, Mrs. Bedana Khatun
Item Category: computer_related
Item Sub Category: Laptop
Item Color: Grey
Item Case Color: Blue
Item Brand: apple
Item Model: Apple
Item Serial NUmber: NA
Item Size: NA

Trip Details
Arrival Country Arrival Airport Departure Country Departure Airport Flight Number

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