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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Wallet, visa cards, drivers licence
Lost Place: Airport Bathrooms,On the Airplane,Security Check In
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airport: La Guardia - LGA
Lost Airlines: Spirit Airlines
Flight Number: 475
Lost Date: Oct 17,2014
Lost Time: 9:40:00
Location Details: The visa was used at baggage in La Guardia LGA and the wallet was put in a tray at security. it was lost somewhere between the Spirit Airlines gates and the plane or more likely in the Rest Rooms at Detroit airport, but lost property there didnt have it.
Additional Information: The wallet is a small brown leather one. It contained approximately US 55.00 - 80.00, a Credit Union SA visa card, a Bendigo bank visa card, a Travelex Cash card and an Australian Driving Licence. 25.00 is offered for reward. It can be returned to my son Andrew Xotta-Dickson using my email for address details.

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