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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Brookstone Sand and Sandbox and moulds
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airport Restaurants,Airport Bathrooms
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airport: Hartsfield-jackson Atlanta International - ATL
Lost Airlines: Delta Air Lines
Flight Number: DL 61
Lost Date: Oct 24,2014
Lost Time: 20::00
Location Details: Either at the Headphone store JUST past security on the way into the gate for my flight I cant remember the name of the store but the sales person is Bryan - I talked to him for a while so it may be there or at the Sushi restaurant just up the corridor from my Gate for Delta Flight 61 Atlanta to Rio or in the washroom near the gate sushi restaurant.
Additional Information: http:www.amazon.comSand-Brookstone-Net-2-2-LBSdpB00DGXC0A6 - Link to product descriptio

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