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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: mp4,dsiXL,psppoket,rubix55
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: France
Lost Airport: Colmar-houssen - CMR
Lost Airlines: EasyJet
Flight Number: 1160
Lost Date: Aug 30,2014
Lost Time: 22:55:00
Location Details: between 16A 16B 16C 16D where i and my family Sit down in the easyjet plane
Additional Information: i daniel have lost:-one mp4 from PHILIPS looks redpink small,with Personal stereos,i think he was in his plastic of packaging ,i use that as a poket.-the second object is a dsiXL black in a black special caoutchouc with a french play DRAGON QUEST les sentinelles du firmaments,with this videogame is a small tactil pen to you for the pen-the last for me is a 55 rubix cube of the market official,he looks like similary as my 44 rubix in thats photoand my brother philip:-one black psp in a black pocket with many plays who are IN the poket,my brother say me any names of games,one is GRANT LEFT AUTOGTA good of ware munster hunter grand tourismo and star wars battle frontwe are coming in the aerport of mulhouse and NOT colmar,thats not written an the select optionthanks for help use

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