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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: iPhone 4 in blackwhite striped case
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airport: San Francisco International - SFO
Lost Airlines: United Airlines
Flight Number: 766
Lost Date: Sep 25,2014
Lost Time: 24:0:00
Location Details: Im not sure when I saw it last. I assumed it was in my purse. The possibilities are: on or near seat 2F. It may have fallen out of my purse when I was fumbling inside it.If it is not there, then I lost it at JFK between 10:30 and 11:30, when I might have dropped it in the Brookstone shop or in the Longchamps shop in the mall of Terminal 7. Or left it behind in the security area I dont think so.
Additional Information: An Apple iPhone, model 4, in a white plastic case. Inside a black and white stripe-y, fabric case. The case came from Liberty of London, but I dont suppose that helps. I am 79 years old. The case is conservative, not like anything a teenager would choose.

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