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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: iPad Air with detachable flap yellow rubber cover
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate
Lost Country: Netherlands
Lost Airport: Schiphol - AMS
Lost Airlines: British Airways
Flight Number: BA443 or another route by the same aircraft
Lost Date: Sep 18,2014
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: Flight BA 443 from Amsterdam to London at 21.00 on 17.9.2014.I left it in seat pocket of seat 9A.It appears that the cabin staff did not remove it at Heathrow terminal 5, so it may have travelled back to Amsterdam.I am contacting in case the cabin staff found it when the plane was checked at Amsterdam on its return.The iPad was not very visible in the pocket, so a person would need to look deep inside the pocket to find it.It is an iPad Air with yellow rubber cover, silver back. I believe the serial number is DMPL943GFK15.
Additional Information: I am not sure what were the next destination of my flight, so especially if the seat pocket was not checked immediately, it is possible that the iPad could have travelled to another city with this aircraft.

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