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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Panasonic lumix camera. GHD straightners.200 cash
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airport Food Court,Airport Hotel,On the Airplane
Lost Country: United Kingdom
Lost Airport: Bristol - BRS
Lost Airlines: Thomas Cook Airlines UK
Flight Number: 7073 321-220
Lost Date: Sep 01,2014
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: Items were last seen in hotel room, when packed in hand luggage, there was a power cut that affected the entire tunisia, it lasted for a couple of hours, bags were then left at reception in hotel lobby. I had passports, purse,travel docs in small hand bag. we already had samsung galaxy stolen from room. this is recorded with your rep in rosa beach hotel, Tunisia Jade Knissi This was taken up with hotel assistant manager, who questioned house keeping in front of us. another guest had an Iphone 5 taken from her room. Head of house keeping told my daughter that small things were always stolen from the hotel, no matter. This I got my daughter to repeat to assistant manager a female. A huge aurgument followed with head of house-keeping shouting at everyone. She was warned to stay away from us. On the flight I left my bag once to go to w.c. At airport, hand luggage was with my daughters whilst I collected luggage.
Additional Information: When we arrived at Bristol, we collected car and drove straight to Tavistock.

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