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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Chairs seats and curtains
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Connecting Flight
Lost Country: Russian Federation
Lost Airport: Pulkovo - LED
Lost Airlines: Aeroflot Russian Airlines
Flight Number: SU 2
Lost Date: Aug 10,2014
Lost Time: 8:25:00
Location Details: At the luggages gates of KLM at Dorval Airport, Montreal, Canada., when we registered our luggage. We have the registration ticket.
Additional Information: The curtains and the chair seats were carefully wrapped together in a big grey parcel. The curtains 16 were of different colors, beige, red, yellow, grey. Chairs seats 6 were grey. The chairs seats were just refurbished and the curtains were new. Total value was about 2000 CDN.

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