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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: fleece hat, black wpurple green
Lost Place: On the Airplane
Lost Country: Netherlands
Lost Airport: Schiphol - AMS
Lost Airlines: KLM
Flight Number: KL0462
Lost Date: Aug 27,2014
Lost Time: 9:0:00
Location Details: On the plane -- seat 23A window. I put the hat on my head when I boarded the plane, and fell into a very deep sleep for the duration for the flight, including when we landed in Larnica and took off from there with a new flight crew. When I got off the plane in Amsterdam, I no longer had the hat on my head, but I was too sleepy to notice until I was on the next plane to Boston.It must have fallen off while I was sleeping. It must be on that plane -- KL0462.
Additional Information: Reversible black fleece hat with ear flaps and strings to tie under chin -- black with a wide purple band on one side, turquoise band on the other side. I think the brand is Turtle Fleece. Ive had the had for 19 years Sentimental value. Its the only hat I wear I will gladly pay 30 to get it back.

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