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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Suitcase
Lost Place: Baggage Claim
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airlines: Aer Lingus Irish Airlines
Lost Date: Feb 03,2025
Lost Time: ::00
Location Details: Luggage Check-in Amsterdam Schiphol for flight 9.35 hr to Newark NY with stopover in Dublin at Sunday 2. FebruaryMissed flight but checked in luggageLuggage consisted of 1 medium sized suitcase NY CARGO, red, with only zippers.
Additional Information: Suitcase NY CARGO, Red, no locksFlight information will state Post, Thomas SamuelThe gentleman in question is currently unable to retrieve the suitcase himself.Inside is mens clothing, a number of Nike Jordans sneaker pairs, one pair of mens leather shoes size 40 and possibly some other things.Please advise if found, so I can provide you with the address to send it to.Thank you

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