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Lost Property Detail

Browse Claims
Property Lost: Wallet with enhanced Drivers license and credit c
Lost Place: Airline Terminal/Gate,Airline Lounge,Airport Food Court,Airport Restaurants,Airport Bathrooms,On the Airplane,Connecting Flight
Lost Country: United States of America
Lost Airlines: United Airlines
Flight Number: UA2044
Lost Date: Sep 03,2024
Lost Time: 21:0:00
Location Details: I last used my credit card from my wallet upstairs from our assigned terminal C88 at the food court where it says Food Glorious Food on the wall. I purchased some cookies and a cannoli from the bakery shop within food court. Im sure I put the card back into my wallet and placed my wallet into my pants pocket.I noticed my wallet was missing once we got to our departing terminal for Fairbanks, AK at the Seattle airport, we had to run from one terminal at one end of the airport, take a tram to another part of the airport, all the time, running. Once we reached the attendant at the terminal I noticed that my wallet was missing. I honestly think my wallet could have been lost on United flight UA2044. My wife and I sat in seats 7E and 7F. I sat in the seat by the window. I honestly think that my wallet could have fallen out of my pants between the arm rest and wall or under either seat or the seats in front of us which started the First Class section of the plane.
Additional Information: It could either be at the food court upstairs from where terminal C88 United is at EWK airport. Went into Food Glorious Food food court and purchased a few cookies and a cannoli. I dont think I lost it there but its a possibility, I truly think I lost my wallet en fight from EWK to Seattle. My wife and I sat in seats 7E and 7F I sat by the window. If my wallet has not been found by now I truly think it could still be on the plane under the seat by the window or between a crack where the armrest and wall are or even underneath one of our seats or tge seats in front of us which were the beginning of First Class. We are to board Norwegian Encore on Sunday 9824 for an Alaskan cruise. I need my wallet as it has the only ID that I can use on the cruise or flights. It is imperative that someone please reach out to me to discuss this in further detail. I have tried calling several times only to be disconnected each time, it is not the cell service. Please call as soon as possible. My phone number is 315 398-8530 and my wifes phone is 585 662-9347. Thank You very much.

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